Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130817_102229
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130829_150725
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130829_164949
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130902_164402
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130902_164840
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130902_164850
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130902_172129
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130902_172146
Bothwell Scarecrow: 20130909_165521
Bothwell Scarecrow: A day at the races
Bothwell Scarecrow: A day at the races (2)
Bothwell Scarecrow: Delilah and Isabelle Bothwell Scarecrow Festival
Bothwell Scarecrow: photo board
Bothwell Scarecrow: wurzel Gummidge photo board