BotheredByBees: shadow X
BotheredByBees: shadow IX
BotheredByBees: shadow VIII
BotheredByBees: shadow VII
BotheredByBees: shadow V
BotheredByBees: shadow VI
BotheredByBees: shadow IV
BotheredByBees: shadow III
BotheredByBees: shadow II
BotheredByBees: shadow I
BotheredByBees: wombat
BotheredByBees: cloud tree
BotheredByBees: Rainy day in Bathurst
BotheredByBees: bird wing
BotheredByBees: red earth I
BotheredByBees: red earth II
BotheredByBees: red earth III
BotheredByBees: red earth IV
BotheredByBees: red earth V - self portrait
BotheredByBees: Fish river
BotheredByBees: my favourite hill
BotheredByBees: farmer's creek
BotheredByBees: Bathurst TAFE
BotheredByBees: Emergency Evacuation Point A
BotheredByBees: no limits
BotheredByBees: misty morning II
BotheredByBees: misty morning I
BotheredByBees: on death and dying
BotheredByBees: home in lovely Lithgow
BotheredByBees: down to lake Lyell