Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Abutilon hirtum, Keerthana Mohan, India
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Aceana magellanica, Maura Chamberlain, Australia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Actinodaphne pruinosa, Evonne Tay Koh, Singapore
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Aeonium arboreum, Juan Luis Castillo, Spain
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Agapanthus africanus 'Blue Triumphator' Hyunjin Cho, USA
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Aglaonema rotundum, Guy Frankin Sitorus, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Alternanthera puberula, Maria Alejandra Migoya, Argentina
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Araujia sericifera, Hurmuz Yeniceli, Turkey
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Arisarum vulgare, Hans de Vries, Greece
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Ballota pseudodictamnus, Hans de Vries, Greece
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Bauhinia purpurea, Saniyatun Mar’atus Solihah, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Byrsonima variabilis, Susana Ferreira Souza, Brazil
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Carissa Carandas, Rattikorn Bunprakasit, Thailand
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Ceropegia fusca, Sergio Hernandez Bello, Spain
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Clitoria ternatea, Hazem Zarkasyi Hakim
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Cordia sebestena, Diana Novitasari Trisna Dewi, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Couroupita guianensis, Andrea Figuera, Venezuala
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Cyrtandra wawrae, Alice Tangerini, USA
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius, Andreia d’Almeida, Portugal
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Darlingtonia californica, François Sockhom Mey, France
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Daucus carota subsp carota, Andreia d’ALMEIDA, Portugal
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Daviesia seeds, Ryan Craig, Australia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Dehaasia cuneata, Evonne Tay Koy, Singapore
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Dipterocarpus intricatus, Chatrchanok Ung-Aram, Thailand
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Engelhardia spicata, Ichsan Suwandhi, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Epidendrum species, Diane Solomon Westerhuis, Australia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Epilobium pedunculare, Maura Chamberlain, Australia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Ficus septica, Reza Raihandhany, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Galphimia glauca, Faza Iza Mahezs, Indonesia
Botanic Gardens of Sydney: Gamochaeta standleyi, Maria Alejandra Migoya, Argentina