Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Citrus australasica - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Amorphophallus titanum - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Amorphophallus titanum - leaf and floral details - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Boronia tetranda, B.crassifolia, B.megastigma - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Boronia species - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Potamogeton tricarinatus - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Pycnosorus chrysanthus - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Seeds of the Cumberland Plain Woodland - Lesley Elkan & Catherine Wardrop