Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Utricularia blackmanii - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Prostanthera stenophylla - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Plectranthus laxus - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Haloragis milesiae - Catherine Wardrop
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Drummondita calida - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Acacia atrox - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Utricularia grampiana - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Prostanthera oreoides - Lesley Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Plectranthus wallamanesii L Elkan
Botanic Gardens of Sydney:
Prostanthera conniana - Lesley Elkan and Catherine Wardrop