Boston Wolverine: fall leaves in salem
Boston Wolverine: she's in the matrix
Boston Wolverine: some sort of dancing here
Boston Wolverine: clay buchholz has been stabbed
Boston Wolverine: col. mustard
Boston Wolverine: on the dance floor
Boston Wolverine: a peacock and mrs. peacock
Boston Wolverine: inevitable
Boston Wolverine: capt. jack sparrow
Boston Wolverine: at least they're warm?
Boston Wolverine: technically clothed
Boston Wolverine: werewolf vs trinity
Boston Wolverine: destination: halloween
Boston Wolverine: the wizard of oz
Boston Wolverine: bullet time in the Matrix
Boston Wolverine: halloween bar
Boston Wolverine: halloween tree
Boston Wolverine: smile for the camera
Boston Wolverine: salem common on halloween
Boston Wolverine: it's the Awkward Peacock
Boston Wolverine: gone to the birds
Boston Wolverine: nice... guinness
Boston Wolverine: suddenly, a leprechaun on a unicycle
Boston Wolverine: that's a lot of black nail polish
Boston Wolverine: wolverine