Boston Wolverine: the cape league lineup
Boston Wolverine: starting 'cap
Boston Wolverine: sending the ball home
Boston Wolverine: throwing form
Boston Wolverine: starting A
Boston Wolverine: release point
Boston Wolverine: looking for the sign
Boston Wolverine: high throw for an infielder
Boston Wolverine: the whitecap dugout
Boston Wolverine: off into the foliage
Boston Wolverine: happy chatham hitter
Boston Wolverine: bottom layer
Boston Wolverine: incoming ball
Boston Wolverine: not much of a lead
Boston Wolverine: pitching A
Boston Wolverine: running it down
Boston Wolverine: keep your eyes open, kid!
Boston Wolverine: from second
Boston Wolverine: the bat boy's pretty psyched
Boston Wolverine: with and without batting gloves
Boston Wolverine: hoping to make it
Boston Wolverine: a good-luck double
Boston Wolverine: can't even hold onto it after the play
Boston Wolverine: the hand is closed, but the ball ain't there
Boston Wolverine: a no-hit RBI
Boston Wolverine: coming over the top
Boston Wolverine: batter, catcher