Boston Wolverine: pregame meal of champions
Boston Wolverine: holding court
Boston Wolverine: first look
Boston Wolverine: pitchers mound under the tarp
Boston Wolverine: 300 level seats
Boston Wolverine: World Series 06
Boston Wolverine: like a really big paperweight
Boston Wolverine: tarp removal
Boston Wolverine: ha ha, what?
Boston Wolverine: two different varieties of bad hair
Boston Wolverine: argh flash
Boston Wolverine: sponsored by viagra
Boston Wolverine: anthem tigers
Boston Wolverine: good choice for the first pitch
Boston Wolverine: back home
Boston Wolverine: the lettering on that sweatshirt matches his hair
Boston Wolverine: first pitch
Boston Wolverine: meanwhile, in the dugout
Boston Wolverine: off second
Boston Wolverine: well, one of them can sing
Boston Wolverine: calming the uncalmable