Boston Wolverine: blue jello shot for a Maize Out game
Boston Wolverine: ready for the Maize Out
Boston Wolverine: tailgate folks
Boston Wolverine: nice glasses
Boston Wolverine: radiohead
Boston Wolverine: waiting for the snap
Boston Wolverine: got into the stadium early
Boston Wolverine: off the ground
Boston Wolverine: yellow hats
Boston Wolverine: not again
Boston Wolverine: oh no, the ball is stuck to his foot!
Boston Wolverine: airborne in the endzone
Boston Wolverine: touchdown
Boston Wolverine: between plays
Boston Wolverine: green pass
Boston Wolverine: and over there, the band
Boston Wolverine: man, another one?
Boston Wolverine: a present for you
Boston Wolverine: spirit 'fro
Boston Wolverine: space emperor: revealed!