Boston Public Library: Fibre Chamois [front]
Boston Public Library: Fibre Chamois [back]
Boston Public Library: Fibre Chamois, an ideal dress lining [front]
Boston Public Library: Fibre Chamois, an ideal dress lining [back]
Boston Public Library: Max Stadler & Co., leading clothiers. With our compliments, 'a sure pop whip or cane' to our boy patrons. [front]
Boston Public Library: Max Stadler & Co., leading clothiers. With our compliments, 'a sure pop whip or cane' to our boy patrons. [back]
Boston Public Library: The gem of the season. Regine. [front]
Boston Public Library: The gem of the season. Regine. [back]
Boston Public Library: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Correct styles, Fall and Winter, 1899-1900. Boys' and young men's clothing. [front]
Boston Public Library: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Correct styles, Fall and Winter, 1899-1900. Boys' and young men's clothing. [back]
Boston Public Library: If you wish a perfect fitting shirt with a patent bosom which cannot be rumpled and will fit any person large or small get one of the new Globe patented shirts. They go all around the world. [front]
Boston Public Library: Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs, & shirt bosoms. [front]
Boston Public Library: The Belvidere shirt waist. [front]
Boston Public Library: The Belvidere shirt waist. [back]
Boston Public Library: Warner Bro's Coraline. [front]
Boston Public Library: Warner Bro's Coraline. [back]
Boston Public Library: This lady uses the Canfield dress shield. This lady will hereafter use the Canfield dress shield. [front]
Boston Public Library: This lady uses the Canfield dress shield. This lady will hereafter use the Canfield dress shield. [back]
Boston Public Library: The De Long patent hook and eye. See that hump? Eclipses everything. [front]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers New York. Celia. [front]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers New York. Celia. [back]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers New York, Fantasma. [front]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers New York, Fantasma. [back]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers, New York. The 'Myra' [front]
Boston Public Library: From Hill Brothers, New York. The 'Myra' [back]
Boston Public Library: Spring and summer styles 1880, now ready at Naumkeag Clothing Company's store, 179 Essex St., opposite Essex House, Salem, Mass. [front]
Boston Public Library: Spring and summer styles 1880, now ready at Naumkeag Clothing Company's store, 179 Essex St., opposite Essex House, Salem, Mass. [back]
Boston Public Library: Gough's hats are the best. Specialty extra light weights. [front]
Boston Public Library: Gough's hats are the best. Specialty extra light weights. [back]
Boston Public Library: Don't buy a hat without a label, and see that it is sewed in. Don't patronize a dealer who has loose labels on hand and offers to put one in your hat. Loose labels in retail stores are counterfeits. [front]