Boston Public Library: Hood's Vegetable Pills are the best liver invigorator (front)
Boston Public Library: Hood's Vegetable Pills are the best liver invigorator (back)
Boston Public Library: Alike, the world over. Minnie - Did you know Kate Smith was engaged? Carrie - Why, you don't say! How did that happen? Minnie - Rumor says her teeth are so white and her breath so sweet from using Hood's Tooth Powder, he couldn't resist. (front)
Boston Public Library: Alike, the world over. Minnie - Did you know Kate Smith was engaged? Carrie - Why, you don't say! How did that happen? Minnie - Rumor says her teeth are so white and her breath so sweet from using Hood's Tooth Powder, he couldn't resist. (back)
Boston Public Library: Hood's Olive Ointment, the best family salve. Try it. (front)
Boston Public Library: Hood's Olive Ointment, the best family salve. Try it. (back)
Boston Public Library: "This is all right. Hood's Sarsaparilla can't fool me twice." "Be sure you are right," is this old man's motto. (front)
Boston Public Library: "This is all right. Hood's Sarsaparilla can't fool me twice." "Be sure you are right," is this old man's motto. (back)
Boston Public Library: James G. Blaine, of Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla presidential campaign card. (front)
Boston Public Library: James G. Blaine, of Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla presidential campaign card. (back)
Boston Public Library: Grover Cleveland, of New York. Hood's Sarsaparilla presidential campaign card. (front)
Boston Public Library: Grover Cleveland, of New York. Hood's Sarsaparilla presidential campaign card. (back)
Boston Public Library: Hood's latest - Hood's Tooth Powder whitens and beautifies the teeth, sweetens the breath, and hardens the gums. (front)
Boston Public Library: Hood's latest - Hood's Tooth Powder whitens and beautifies the teeth, sweetens the breath, and hardens the gums. (back)
Boston Public Library: Miniature representation of Hood's no. 4 placque. Hood's Sarsaparilla (front)
Boston Public Library: Miniature representation of Hood's no. 4 placque. Hood's Sarsaparilla (back)
Boston Public Library: Miniature representation of Hood's no. 4 placque. Hood's Sarsaparilla (front)
Boston Public Library: Miniature representation of Hood's no. 4 placque. Hood's Sarsaparilla (back)
Boston Public Library: "Who said Hood's Sarsaparilla?" (front)
Boston Public Library: "Who said Hood's Sarsaparilla?" (back)
Boston Public Library: Why do the children watch the skies when the stars peep out as the sunset dies? What is the secret the shadows hold? What is the legend the stars unfold? Hold to the light where no shadow bars, and read the answers in the stars. Hood's Vegetable Pills (fr
Boston Public Library: Why do the children watch the skies when the stars peep out as the sunset dies? What is the secret the shadows hold? What is the legend the stars unfold? Hold to the light where no shadow bars, and read the answers in the stars. Hood's Vegetable Pills (ba
Boston Public Library: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla 100 doses one dollar. First lesson. (front)
Boston Public Library: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla 100 doses one dollar. First lesson. (back)
Boston Public Library: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify your blood, 100 doses $1.00. (front)
Boston Public Library: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify your blood, 100 doses $1.00. (back)
Boston Public Library: Ayer's Cathartic Pills. (The country doctor.) (front)
Boston Public Library: Ayer's Cathartic Pills. (The country doctor.) (back)
Boston Public Library: A new revelation - Vacuum Harness Oil - elbow grease. 'No mo' hard work for old uncle Ned.' (front)
Boston Public Library: A new revelation - Vacuum Harness Oil - elbow grease. 'No mo' hard work for old uncle Ned.' (back)