Boston Public Library:
“I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America! If I could have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery!
Boston Public Library:
Yes! Whether on the scaffold high! Or in the battle's van, the fittest place for man to die is where he dies for man.
Boston Public Library:
What is life or rest to me! So long as I have a commission direct from God Almighty to act against slavery!
Boston Public Library:
All men are by nature equally free! And independent! And have certain inherent rights of which, when then enter into a state of society! They cannot by any compact deprive or divest their posterity! Namely the enjoyment of life and liberty
Boston Public Library:
"It is a debt we owe the purity of religion to show that it is at variance with that law which warrants slavery! Give me liberty or give me death."
Boston Public Library:
"Your late purchase of an estate with a view of emancipating the slaves! On it, is a generous and noble proof of your humanity! Would to God a like spirit might diffuse itself generally into the minds of the people of this country!"
Boston Public Library:
"I don't know what weakness may come over me! But I don't believe I shall ever deny my lord and master, Jesus Christ and I should deny him if I denied my principles against slavery."
Boston Public Library:
One hour of American slavery is fraught with more misery than ages of that which we rose in rebellion to oppose.
Boston Public Library:
"I don't know what weakness may come over me! But I don't believe I shall ever deny my lord and master, Jesus Christ and I should deny him if I denied my principles against slavery."
Boston Public Library:
Remember them that are in bonds! As bound with them!
Boston Public Library:
All men are by nature equally free! And independent! : And have certain inherent rights of which, when they enter into a state of society! They cannot by any compact deprive or divest their posterity! Namely the enjoyment of life and liberty.
Boston Public Library:
Execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor
Boston Public Library:
First anniversary of the kidnapping of Thomas Sims by the City of Boston
Boston Public Library:
"I don't know as I can better serve the cause I love so well, than to die for it!"
Boston Public Library:
I tremble for my country when I remember that God is just and that his justice cannot sleep forever!
Boston Public Library:
To-day Massachusetts erects the statue of Daniel Webster
Boston Public Library:
Execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor
Boston Public Library:
Thus saith the lord: Ye have not hearken'd unto me in proclaiming liberty
Boston Public Library:
Fellow citizens of Massachusetts!
Boston Public Library:
West India emancipation! Celebration at Framingham!
Boston Public Library:
Regulations for the government of Freedman's Village, Greene Heights, Arlington, Va. and the government farms, mechanical shops, hospitals, homes, schools, &c., connected therewith.
Boston Public Library:
The man is not bought! He is still in the slave pen in the courthouse!
Boston Public Library:
Proclamation!! To all the good people of Massachusetts!!
Boston Public Library:
Fellow citizens of Massachusetts!
Boston Public Library:
Kidnapping again!!
Boston Public Library:
Presentation and farewell meeting!!
Boston Public Library:
Citizens of Boston!
Boston Public Library:
Shall freedom or slavery triumph
Boston Public Library:
A man kidnapped!
Boston Public Library:
The man is not bought!