Boston Public Library: Charles Dickens
Boston Public Library: Bunker Hill Monument
Boston Public Library: A Hundred Years Ago
Boston Public Library: Marie Roze
Boston Public Library: Miss Adelaide Phillips
Boston Public Library: Agricultural Building at the Centennial
Boston Public Library: Kate Hayes
Boston Public Library: Ah! Would our eyes had never met.
Boston Public Library: Boston Museum circa 1847
Boston Public Library: Boston Museum circa 1847
Boston Public Library: Mlle. Nilsson
Boston Public Library: Answer to the Lament of the Irish Emigrant
Boston Public Library: Arouse Ye, Patriot Whigs
Boston Public Library: O.D. Ashley
Boston Public Library: Boston City Greys
Boston Public Library: Jetty Treffz
Boston Public Library: North front of Mercantile Row with a N. W. distant front of the Bangor House.
Boston Public Library: Battle of the Wilderness
Boston Public Library: Miss Annie Lousie Cary
Boston Public Library: Three Black Hats
Boston Public Library: Blanche; or Sweeter than the Breath of Morning
Boston Public Library: Blind Girl
Boston Public Library: Storm at Sea in a Schooner
Boston Public Library: Captain J.P. Bradlee
Boston Public Library: Light House
Boston Public Library: Encampment of the New England Guards at Smith's Hill
Boston Public Library: M'lls. Morlacci and Baretta dancing the Can Can Dance
Boston Public Library: My Pet Canary
Boston Public Library: Captain Pray