Bosta: View from Space View Park, Titusville
Bosta: Zoomed in view of 39A
Bosta: What we should have seen :(
Bosta: What we should have seen raw.
Bosta: Discovery on 39A
Bosta: On the Kennedy Space Center tour
Bosta: VAB
Bosta: Crawler-transporter
Bosta: Tracks for the crawler
Bosta: 39A from viewing platform
Bosta: 39B from viewing platform
Bosta: 39A overview.
Bosta: Lots of photogs.
Bosta: Viewing platform. Yah!
Bosta: Looking back to the VAB
Bosta: VAB
Bosta: VAB
Bosta: Mobile launch platform
Bosta: Entrance to Apollo experience
Bosta: Liftoff!
Bosta: Wendi and Shuttle backdrop
Bosta: Andrew and Shuttle backdrop
Bosta: Andrew and 39A
Bosta: Wendi and 39A
Bosta: Andrew and main engine
Bosta: Wendi and main engine
Bosta: Wendi and main engine
Bosta: "Dude, we have a flight to catch"
Bosta: Ah, the south.