bossco: fire at 8:30 am on the way to work
bossco: fire from tramway
bossco: DSCN0281
bossco: fire from tramcar going up
bossco: fire from tramcar on way up to work
bossco: fire in the morning after getting to work.
bossco: fire coming up hillside towards the Tramway
bossco: Tram employees enjoying a smoky day
bossco: fire just before order to evacuate came.
bossco: fire coming up hillside
bossco: fire at 4:15 pm on the way home.
bossco: chino canyon disappearing due to smoke
bossco: smoke from fire
bossco: howard locking gates
bossco: roxanna and keith
bossco: roxanna and keith just before last tramcar down.
bossco: roxanna and keith
bossco: heading down with fire on north ridge
bossco: mary
bossco: smoke from fire on the way down
bossco: looking down through smoke
bossco: fire is just over ridge
bossco: looking up chino canyon
bossco: last tram car down
bossco: DSCN0306
bossco: valley station
bossco: chino canyon and smoke
bossco: chino canyon and smoke
bossco: DSCN0310
bossco: DSCN0311