BoSoxBrent: Buffalo crossing the road
BoSoxBrent: Buffalo crossing the road
BoSoxBrent: He was wondering why I was taking pictures
BoSoxBrent: We met a friend along the way
BoSoxBrent: The destination....crab eyes!
BoSoxBrent: Buffalo in the mountains!
BoSoxBrent: The areas we'd be hiking in
BoSoxBrent: Stuart getting ready to hike
BoSoxBrent: Off and hiking
BoSoxBrent: We ran across a small pond
BoSoxBrent: All of us hiking
BoSoxBrent: Our destination...the crab eyes
BoSoxBrent: More rocks in the Wichita Mountains
BoSoxBrent: Tiff's got some bones
BoSoxBrent: Rocks in the Wichita Mountains
BoSoxBrent: Darone in front of the crab eyes
BoSoxBrent: My head popping out of the rocks
BoSoxBrent: Tiff playing tour guide to Stuart and Scharf
BoSoxBrent: Kiel eating lunch
BoSoxBrent: View from the top of the rocks
BoSoxBrent: Kiel catches on that I'm taking pictures of that
BoSoxBrent: I'm not sure whats going on here with Tiff and Kiel
BoSoxBrent: Sharp rocks
BoSoxBrent: Stuart climbing down through the rocks
BoSoxBrent: Greg getting mean in the mountains!
BoSoxBrent: Buffalo don't care about cars apparently
BoSoxBrent: Stuart outside of Meers Burgers