ProfBrian: Bloksleeptoerusting net na WWII
ProfBrian: Loggers' Dream at Saasveld, 1959
ProfBrian: Casey Voges (1981/82)
ProfBrian: Horses, Bloukrans
ProfBrian: Entabeni pole transport 1982
ProfBrian: Log from Evelyn Valley at Isidenge Mill 1947
ProfBrian: Deon Marais tree 'n peleton muile aan op Bergplaas.
ProfBrian: Harbour piles ex Tokai
ProfBrian: Pinus sylvestris bonsai
ProfBrian: First beach buggy in the Department
ProfBrian: Lisabon 1980
ProfBrian: Lisabon 1981
ProfBrian: Slipping timber, Tokai C14, 1948
ProfBrian: Crosscutting, Tokai, 1948
ProfBrian: Slipping with mules, Tokai C14, 1948
ProfBrian: Opening the undercut by axe, Tokai, 1948
ProfBrian: Timber / general purpose truck, Tokai, ca 1950
ProfBrian: Felling by two-man saw, Tokai 1948
ProfBrian: Timber train, Diepwalle to Knysna