sherwin & ruth: The big evergreen branch
sherwin & ruth: What lives in a limb
sherwin & ruth: Carpenter ants
sherwin & ruth: Wordless
sherwin & ruth: The Beech in the Fall
sherwin & ruth: The oaks were hit the hardest
sherwin & ruth: Topless weeping cherry
sherwin & ruth: Huge oak branch that severed the telephone/electric pole
sherwin & ruth: Splintered
sherwin & ruth: The young maple
sherwin & ruth: Damage by the raspberries
sherwin & ruth: Litter east of the barn
sherwin & ruth: On the way to the cemetery
sherwin & ruth: Maple debris
sherwin & ruth: What's left of the Japanese Maples
sherwin & ruth: The beeches
sherwin & ruth: The old oak over driveway (the poor thing)
sherwin & ruth: Even the pines snapped
sherwin & ruth: They went on snapping
sherwin & ruth: Driveway debris
sherwin & ruth: Twisted and snapped
sherwin & ruth: Electric wire
sherwin & ruth: Shattered
sherwin & ruth: South side of house
sherwin & ruth: Just broke off
sherwin & ruth: Another snapped oak
sherwin & ruth: Paper wasp nest now hanging down