sherwin & ruth:
Beit ALhadeff and the climbing Jasmin Rose
sherwin & ruth:
Yehudit and Dudu in front of Beit ALhadeff
sherwin & ruth:
Climbing Jasmine Rose
sherwin & ruth:
Beit ALhadeff
sherwin & ruth:
Roof Tile. circa turn of the 20th century
sherwin & ruth:
The east side of the Alhadeff House.
sherwin & ruth:
Beit ALhadeff
sherwin & ruth:
בית אלחדף – cieling
sherwin & ruth:
sherwin & ruth:
Main Door - Alhadef House
sherwin & ruth:
Main Door - Alhadef House
sherwin & ruth:
Diverted Jordan River - Western Channel
sherwin & ruth:
Diverted Jordan River - Western Channel
sherwin & ruth:
Multi Lingual
sherwin & ruth:
ברלה ועלה כובע הנזיר
sherwin & ruth:
Some of Fifi's cats
sherwin & ruth:
Cats and garden
sherwin & ruth:
Pompom at teh window