Liz Steel Art: 131214 All Packed!
Liz Steel Art: Super quick flat white and sketch at airport. Time to board now. Yay.
Liz Steel Art: Survived first flight Syd to KL. Small seats or big bloke in front of me? both!
Liz Steel Art: Budget airlines means LONG waits and delays. More sketching ....
Liz Steel Art: good morning Penang ! Now where to go sketching today?
Liz Steel Art: Insane first sketch- such a full subject! But a little overload after morning walking the streets. Somehow a colonial building to start is appropriate. Got the warm up out of the way now!
Liz Steel Art: Lunch: starting with local coffee finish with great Gryphon Pearl of Orient tea - sketching all the time. Perfect.
Liz Steel Art: And even more friends and gifts of good. Solo sketching is so socialable!!!!
Liz Steel Art: What are these?(I know the pear) was given this food while sketching.
Liz Steel Art: Loving penang. Not quite in the groove yet but having a ball
Liz Steel Art: Making so many friends on the streets of Penang. Day 1
Liz Steel Art: On side of the road (as you do in Penang) on a step in the shade sketching - great fun!
Liz Steel Art: Exploring many different texture techniques on the one painting (btw lost my black wristband)
Liz Steel Art: Street art: I can't join in with the silly poses that is standard tourist practice (solo at moment) but BB can!
Liz Steel Art: First sketch of day2. (Yes that is the yellow line indicating the side of the road)
Liz Steel Art: Drinking oolong tea and sketching during the heat of the day
Liz Steel Art: Tea and cake with KK - twig and ink for tomorrow
Liz Steel Art: More tea drinking and sketching - green puer with a bubble
Liz Steel Art: First twig and ink sketch- Campbell st market
Liz Steel Art: Penang contrasts
Liz Steel Art: Really loving watching the ever hanging colours of sky and sea from my hotel room - Penang (yes I have painted it!)
Liz Steel Art: Drive through bananas!!! Love it!
Liz Steel Art: Morning sketch....
Liz Steel Art: Morning friends.....
Liz Steel Art: Midday friends on the streets Penang
Liz Steel Art: Today's tea comes with cake Chinahouse #Chinahouse #cuppa #tea #earlgrey
Liz Steel Art: Chew and tan jetty sketching and friends (so many photos taken of me today....)
Liz Steel Art: Very very special afternoon on Chew Jetty with two beautiful little girls....they even offered me their grasshopper but I couldn't take it.
Liz Steel Art: Visiting the famous KK twig tree and meeting his mum
Liz Steel Art: Sketching from Tan Jetty as storm approaching