Liz Steel Art: Lisbon- Nina and isabel
Liz Steel Art: Lisbon - Melanie and reza(Ea's other half)
Liz Steel Art: Lisbon - Ea drawing me and then bb
Liz Steel Art: Lisbon- with jose Louro
Liz Steel Art: Wed(the day before)-Breakfast1
Liz Steel Art: Wed(the day before)-Breakfast2
Liz Steel Art: Wed(the day before)-Breakfast3
Liz Steel Art: Bbs first Portuguese tart - it was great
Liz Steel Art: Wed - Coffee and sketch with Jennifer Lawson
Liz Steel Art: Wed - Coffee and sketch with Omar
Liz Steel Art: Sketching with Omar
Liz Steel Art: Our sketches ...
Liz Steel Art: Omar and Borromini
Liz Steel Art: Wed - meeting Eduardo(spied from the tearoom while sketching the view!)
Liz Steel Art: Late afternoon sketching with Paul and orling
Liz Steel Art: Borromini supervises Paul!
Liz Steel Art: he going to run away with BB?
Liz Steel Art: With the boys from brazil
Liz Steel Art: So many photos - with Tia. Marina. Nina.
Liz Steel Art: Cityscapes - Fillipe in action
Liz Steel Art: Cityscapes- Marc in action
Liz Steel Art: Cityscapes - more from Marc
Liz Steel Art: Cityscapes - soaking up some sun
Liz Steel Art: Cityscapes - Alvaro and Josu
Liz Steel Art: More of me eating and sketching (making a mess of both activities!)
Liz Steel Art: In action - some people think this is funny that I eat and sketch!!!
Liz Steel Art: A slightly more respectable lunch photo - with josu
Liz Steel Art: More friends ... BB is very popular
Liz Steel Art: Unfinished business -Nina demonstrating her dirty colours
Liz Steel Art: Jose in action and camera woman