borntosnore: coffee machine on a construction site in budapest
borntosnore: alien landing on a bus stop in seregélyesdűlő. communication breakdown.
borntosnore: tv off in novi sad
borntosnore: basement in novi sad
borntosnore: pada fasada in beograd
borntosnore: ponton bridge in zemun
borntosnore: war hero calendar in kosovo
borntosnore: hi-tec store in prizren
borntosnore: typical "western tourist goes to less developed country" kind of picture in kosovo
borntosnore: sunset in kosovo. call for prayer included.
borntosnore: kid with bottle in kosovo
borntosnore: guy on a horse in brod
borntosnore: boring photo of an insanely beautiful wild mountain pass in kosovo
borntosnore: more boring photo of the same thing in kosovo
borntosnore: and as before and still in kosovo
borntosnore: can you spot a czech girl cleverly hidden in this picture? in sarajevo
borntosnore: pancakes with sauce made of blackberries picked by the side of the road from sarajevo to pale make for one lead- and history- rich meal in bosnia
borntosnore: lanterns in sarajevo
borntosnore: dog ambulance in sarajevo
borntosnore: sarajevo being insanely beautiful and pretentious and pretending its windows wallpaper in sarajevo
borntosnore: waterfall in bosnia