Born in York: early Sunday morning
Born in York: frosty phone box
Born in York: where in the world . . ?!
Born in York: close inspection
Born in York: underused
Born in York: sunlit archway
Born in York: Accrington viaduct
Born in York: not a good time to cross
Born in York: from a station to a supermarket
Born in York: so go by train
Born in York: out for a walk
Born in York: view from a telephone box 17
Born in York: on a mission
Born in York: sea view
Born in York: a break in the traffic
Born in York: Lindum Hotel
Born in York: a shortage of passengers
Born in York: nodding acquaintance
Born in York: a glimpse of the past
Born in York: ship-like
Born in York: seeing double
Born in York: nature has a place
Born in York: high and dry
Born in York: dunes and fence
Born in York: receding tide
Born in York: a line in the sand
Born in York: enigmatic remains
Born in York: Formby Point