BorisTheWolf: Natashka and Zhenya
BorisTheWolf: The Puppetmaster Rests
BorisTheWolf: Houseguests
BorisTheWolf: Mike Contemplates the Potentially Serious Consequences of Exact Spatial Overlap
BorisTheWolf: Natashka and Zhenya
BorisTheWolf: Puppet Theater
BorisTheWolf: Jane braids her hair while surrounded by poseable-action-figure Mikes.
BorisTheWolf: Perfect Humans
BorisTheWolf: Vlad and Flor
BorisTheWolf: Flor and Vlad
BorisTheWolf: Green Mask
BorisTheWolf: Headlights or UFOs
BorisTheWolf: Bodo and Kevin
BorisTheWolf: A Pair
BorisTheWolf: Angel Fairy Princess
BorisTheWolf: Xmas with Natashka