boristheblade: Portrait of My Father
boristheblade: Portrait of my Father, #2
boristheblade: Take the 121st Street Bridge
boristheblade: Differences Aside
boristheblade: Affliction
boristheblade: We Don't Always See Eye to Eye
boristheblade: I Wonder if I Put Those Stars in My Father's Eyes, That Scowl on His Face?
boristheblade: a conversation replaced a crime (ii)
boristheblade: a conversation replaced a crime (i)
boristheblade: a conversation replaced a crime (iii)
boristheblade: no, I wouldn't like.......oh...ok, thanks
boristheblade: like father, like son....
boristheblade: weakness shrouded in strength
boristheblade: cinematic viewmaster memories, No. 1
boristheblade: the ultimate experience in interactive terror
boristheblade: critical thinking
boristheblade: we had fun, didn't we?
boristheblade: do you hear that damn noise?
boristheblade: a quarter inch for every foot
boristheblade: these things are cyclic in nature
boristheblade: no, no, no, the other one!
boristheblade: the other one
boristheblade: sorry to bore you