boristheblade: motherfucker, leave me alone
boristheblade: my mother always said I was a doll
boristheblade: unknown
boristheblade: give me some cheese!!
boristheblade: debunking the myth of the apparent
boristheblade: on the occasion of becoming a brigadier general
boristheblade: secretly, you lust after me, because I am rare
boristheblade: do your eyes tell epic lies?
boristheblade: mr. garfield, do you know how to waltz?
boristheblade: a leaky faucet feeding a pool of half-hearted attempts
boristheblade: death becomes me
boristheblade: bet on the field, reverse direction, lose your head, become someone new, live in the past, dive into excess, and ride your own tidal wave