boristheblade: Portrait of Bert, After Rembrandt
boristheblade: Self Portrait, Age 7
boristheblade: Biomorphic Intestinal Graffiti
boristheblade: Anthropomorphic Graffiti
boristheblade: Self Portrait with Organic Graffiti, Age 10
boristheblade: Sometimes, I Hate My Creations
boristheblade: The Beginnings of Madness
boristheblade: Learning How to Box
boristheblade: The Joker
boristheblade: family portrait, 2003
boristheblade: I'm not a landscape painter, or am I?
boristheblade: someday, i'll dance on your grave
boristheblade: welcome to oblivion
boristheblade: an ocean of plastic explosion
boristheblade: The Price of Eternity
boristheblade: nightmare in a bottle
boristheblade: my friend MEL, the rubber face
boristheblade: fractured by the elephant's promenade
boristheblade: when I am violent and paranoid....
boristheblade: like calling out for help in a vacuum
boristheblade: one half hour of pure murder, to be repeatedly dosed until healing begins
boristheblade: the ancient machine
boristheblade: don't leave for tomorrow what you can destroy today
boristheblade: the death of death (a maniac reborn)