boristheblade: Digital Anatomical Study 2
boristheblade: Jack 001
boristheblade: Digital Anatomical Study
boristheblade: Twin Abduction
boristheblade: Blue Day, Slightly Gutted
boristheblade: Interrogation
boristheblade: Deathmask
boristheblade: there are sixty-four sides to every story, why must I always be so negative
boristheblade: flash.back.forward.sideways.inward
boristheblade: a noxious haze descended, thus bringing to an end this phase of expression
boristheblade: attack of the pressure treated lumber
boristheblade: study for the chess matrix
boristheblade: a forrest of radio static
boristheblade: animated destruction
boristheblade: ghosts in the auto-gauntlet (react or die)
boristheblade: when I am violent and paranoid....
boristheblade: like calling out for help in a vacuum
boristheblade: one half hour of pure murder, to be repeatedly dosed until healing begins
boristheblade: the ancient machine