PJ and Dorian: #flattire
PJ and Dorian: Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday: Mary tires of golf with the boys.
PJ and Dorian: Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday: Mary has fun playing golf with the boys.
PJ and Dorian: "Daddy, these are mine."
PJ and Dorian: "Hey, guys? That spoon just moved. Did you see that? Guys?"
PJ and Dorian: First time on wheels. #maryday
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
PJ and Dorian: I eat your rocking chair. #ruthnoelle
Sheila Hudson: _DSC3185_11965.jpg
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
wygle: New photo added to "VSCO Cam"
Sheila Hudson: scan0064
alter your reality: oneonta falls
alter your reality: ship wreck at fort stevens
wygle: Sometimes in the middle of the day, you have to take a break and go for a walk in the woods.
mooncowboy: duck leading a barbie carriage
beemartins: 04-17-2009
alter your reality: golden temple
alter your reality: where blue meets gold
wygle: 20080730-IMG_0398