paperniche: Claris, Bill, and Ben
paperniche: Foomie and Jody
paperniche: Bert and Frank
paperniche: Bert, Frank and Brooklyn
paperniche: Marc and Jess
paperniche: Tim and Allie
paperniche: IMG_0019
paperniche: IMG_0021
paperniche: IMG_0022
paperniche: IMG_0024
paperniche: IMG_0027
paperniche: Bill and Claris
paperniche: Dancing
paperniche: IMG_0033
paperniche: IMG_0038
paperniche: IMG_0039
paperniche: IMG_0041
paperniche: IMG_0042
paperniche: IMG_0043
paperniche: IMG_0044
paperniche: IMG_0045
paperniche: Baxter was tired after the wedding too
paperniche: Sleepy Hog