The Autodidact Photographer:
Bumble bee on Alpine Sea Holly
The Autodidact Photographer:
Queen of the Alps
The Autodidact Photographer:
Clematis 'Multi Blue'
The Autodidact Photographer:
Great masterwort 'Pink Pride'
The Autodidact Photographer:
Bee howering towards a Jacob's-ladder
The Autodidact Photographer:
Iris 'Framboise'
The Autodidact Photographer:
Bee on Allium
The Autodidact Photographer:
Cutleaf anemone with fly - My first Explore :)
The Autodidact Photographer:
Tulip Dream
The Autodidact Photographer:
Snowdrop Anemone
The Autodidact Photographer:
Lenten rose
The Autodidact Photographer:
Painted Lady on Peppermint
The Autodidact Photographer:
Foxglove & Loosestrife
The Autodidact Photographer:
Orange Lily
The Autodidact Photographer:
Candle Larkspur
The Autodidact Photographer:
Allium after rain
The Autodidact Photographer:
Allium Bud
The Autodidact Photographer:
Spring in the garden – Eranthis
The Autodidact Photographer:
Spring in the garden – Crocus
The Autodidact Photographer:
Spring in the garden – Snowdrop
The Autodidact Photographer:
Backlit Thicket Creeper
The Autodidact Photographer:
Pink leaf
The Autodidact Photographer:
Bumblebee on Purple coneflower ’Magnus’
The Autodidact Photographer:
Fly on Ice Poppy
The Autodidact Photographer:
The Autodidact Photographer:
Oriental poppy ’Pink’
The Autodidact Photographer:
Another Bumble bee on Globe thistle
The Autodidact Photographer:
Poppy Pod
The Autodidact Photographer:
Star of Persia
The Autodidact Photographer:
Black Iris