Steven Goh Robo: G.O.H. Contingent Commanders attending the brief
Steven Goh Robo: Reviewing of the last rehearsal
Steven Goh Robo: SAF SM giving his pointers
Steven Goh Robo: State/Services Colour Escorts
Steven Goh Robo: Don't mess around with this trainer from SPF...
Steven Goh Robo: Trainer from SPF overseeing the contingent..
Steven Goh Robo: SPF G.O.H. - Making the Home Team proud
Steven Goh Robo: Taking their dressing to the right
Steven Goh Robo: State/Service Colour Escort from the RSAF
Steven Goh Robo: State/Service Colour Escort from the RSN
Steven Goh Robo: "They are going to march around 4x!"
Steven Goh Robo: "Keep your rifle straight."
Steven Goh Robo: Practising feu-de-joie
Steven Goh Robo: RSAF G.O.H. preparing to "mark time".
Steven Goh Robo: Combine rehearsal of stationary drill
Steven Goh Robo: RSAF G.O.H. Contingent together with the reserves
Steven Goh Robo: "Look up gentlemen!"
Steven Goh Robo: The working 'bees' busy working behind the scene
Steven Goh Robo: RSAF G.O.H.
Steven Goh Robo: RSN G.O.H.
Steven Goh Robo: Contingent Commanders saluting with pride
Steven Goh Robo: Colour Party saluting with pride
Steven Goh Robo: "Clear!" - Clearing of rifle after the feu-de-joie
Steven Goh Robo: The Colour party fanning out into formation
Steven Goh Robo: An "upskirt' shot of the RSN G.O.H.
Steven Goh Robo: SPF G.O.H. marching in with pride
Steven Goh Robo: RSN G.O.H. marcing in with pride
Steven Goh Robo: RSAF G.O.H. Contingent Commander leading the men
Steven Goh Robo: RSN G.O.H. Contingent Commander leading the men
Steven Goh Robo: RSN G.O.H.