Boreal Bruce: Beaver Lodge north of Kingston
Boreal Bruce: Morning Dew in Algonquin
Boreal Bruce: Otter Lake
Boreal Bruce: Otter Lake north of Kingston
Boreal Bruce: Pond north of Kingston
Boreal Bruce: Tranquil lake north of Kingston
Boreal Bruce: Woodland Trail north of Kingston
Boreal Bruce: Salmon River
Boreal Bruce: Waterfall
Boreal Bruce: Peaceful River
Boreal Bruce: Woodland Stream
Boreal Bruce: Rustler Park in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona
Boreal Bruce: Portal, Arizona
Boreal Bruce: Highway to Portal, Arizona
Boreal Bruce: West of Tuscon, Arizona
Boreal Bruce: Portal countryside, Arizona
Boreal Bruce: Timber Island
Boreal Bruce: Black Noddy on Bush Key
Boreal Bruce: Noddies, Frigates, Terns & Pelicans at sunrise
Boreal Bruce: The Playmate at Garden Key
Boreal Bruce: The Playmate at Loggerhead Key
Boreal Bruce: Prince Edward Point, ON.
Boreal Bruce: Prince Edward Point
Boreal Bruce: November in Prince Edward County