bopo: Arthur's Seat
bopo: On the way to Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Front path of Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Front courtyard of Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Miyuki angles for a good shot
bopo: Miyuki angles for a good shot 2
bopo: Craigmillar Castle tower
bopo: Craigmillar Castle exterior wall
bopo: Pasture near Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Life finds a way
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Miyuki scopes the view
bopo: View from Craigmillar Castle
bopo: View from Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Craigmillar Castle inner courtyard
bopo: "This portion of the castle was built by Sir John Gilmour, Lord President, and Margaret Cockburn, his wife in 1661"
bopo: Entryway to base of tower
bopo: Fireplace carved from stone
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Latticework
bopo: Moo-cows
bopo: Craigmillar Castle main feast hall
bopo: View from Craigmillar Castle
bopo: View from Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Edinburgh city center as seen from Craigmillar Castle
bopo: Arthur's Seat as seen from Craigmillar Castle