WaterWindStars: My grandfather
WaterWindStars: My great-grandfather
WaterWindStars: My great-grandparents
WaterWindStars: My grandmother Leah Zetcher
WaterWindStars: Troskunai, 1924
WaterWindStars: Troskunai, 1924
WaterWindStars: My grandparents
WaterWindStars: My grandfather
WaterWindStars: My grandparents
WaterWindStars: The Catty Club
WaterWindStars: My mother as a baby, held by her mother (my grandmother).
WaterWindStars: My mother (at left, in glasses) and her four younger siblings.
WaterWindStars: My great-grandparents (Lithuania, 1910)
WaterWindStars: Bashe and Yitzhok, my maternal great-grandparents, Zaprudy, 1930s
WaterWindStars: My great-grandparents Bashe and Yitzhok Gershman
WaterWindStars: My great-grandfather Yitzhok Gershman and his grandson Michael Weiner in Kobrin, 1930s
WaterWindStars: My great-grandmother Bashe with her grandson Michael (Kiva-Mikhel), Zaprudy, 1930s
WaterWindStars: My maternal great-grandparents' home in Zaprudy
WaterWindStars: My maternal great-grandparents' home in Zaprudy, painted in 1931 by their grandson Mikhel Wajner (Michael Weiner).
WaterWindStars: Pa and Ma - Meyshe Yankev and Feygl, my great-grandparents on my maternal grandmother's side
WaterWindStars: Mama, granddaughter of Bashe and Yitzhok if you are following this story
WaterWindStars: My mother's brother, Carl
WaterWindStars: Troskunai circa 1910
WaterWindStars: Goat in Pušalotas , Lithuania
WaterWindStars: Troskunai
WaterWindStars: Troskunai
WaterWindStars: Troskunai Jewish cemetery
WaterWindStars: Troskunai