bookworm1225: Feeding time!
bookworm1225: Now *that's* cool!
bookworm1225: Another feeding time
bookworm1225: Bird watching
bookworm1225: The Lone Cypress
bookworm1225: Point Lobos State Park
bookworm1225: Point Lobos State Park
bookworm1225: There *is* a waterfall there...
bookworm1225: Obligatory flower shot
bookworm1225: A wonderful surprise!
bookworm1225: Flotsam
bookworm1225: This is *my* spot!
bookworm1225: Even more flotsam
bookworm1225: Made in the shade
bookworm1225: Hanging out
bookworm1225: I bid...
bookworm1225: Feeding frenzy!
bookworm1225: Mmmm, mmmm, good
bookworm1225: Avila Beach
bookworm1225: Under the Boardwalk (well, pier, anyway)
bookworm1225: I think I still need to work at arty-type shots
bookworm1225: Most of the gang
bookworm1225: This way to opulance...
bookworm1225: You're kidding, right?
bookworm1225: All of a sudden, I'm in Italy
bookworm1225: OK, maybe not *quite* Italy
bookworm1225: Even the little things are opulant
bookworm1225: A touch of Egypt
bookworm1225: And here it is...