M.J.S.: Speakers' Corner
M.J.S.: Wheelie. Is that to keep his water bottle upright?
M.J.S.: Inline
M.J.S.: Condor fixed?
M.J.S.: Skate that booty...
M.J.S.: Roar, for I am king of the skates
M.J.S.: Volleyball argument
M.J.S.: Oh yes
M.J.S.: Flickr Meetup Speaker's Corner to Little Venice-5051477
M.J.S.: Skating...
M.J.S.: Yeah
M.J.S.: Skate it
M.J.S.: Horseguards and London Mbulance
M.J.S.: Wot to do on a Bank Holiday
M.J.S.: Roll Up for the Memorial Fountain
M.J.S.: BikeFear!
M.J.S.: Taxodium distichum. Swamp Cypress.
M.J.S.: Flickr Meetup Speaker's Corner to Little Venice-5051527
M.J.S.: Dogs must be kept on a lead in this area
M.J.S.: Green Slime!
M.J.S.: Flickr Meetup Speaker's Corner to Little Venice-5051535
M.J.S.: Pumping station...
M.J.S.: Duck Board!
M.J.S.: Wheels of Fire
M.J.S.: Them thar fountains
M.J.S.: Great shades.
M.J.S.: Olympus Guy in Window
M.J.S.: 'Cheerful' barkeep
M.J.S.: The essence of Meetups, it seems
M.J.S.: Moo Cards