booksellersnz: Setting for the NZ Book Industry Awards
booksellersnz: Party time.
booksellersnz: We had book-themed tables, and each guest had a name tag featuring a character from these worlds
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booksellersnz: BooksellersAwardsHigh-5
booksellersnz: Some of the characters from our Industry Awards
booksellersnz: The beautiful setting for the awards (not poolside, though!)
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booksellersnz: NZ Book Industry Awards judges: Helen Parsons, Tony Harkins and Catriona Ferguson
booksellersnz: Penguin Random House's (?), Margaret Thompson and Louise Crisp
booksellersnz: Paige's Book Gallery's Rochelle Handley, Lesley Stead and ??
booksellersnz: Tom Rennie from BWB Books and Julia Marshall from Gecko Press Publishers
booksellersnz: Dylan, Tamsin, Kiran and Karen from Unity Books Wellington and Auckland
booksellersnz: Anne St Pierre and Helen from Books for Kids, Hamilton
booksellersnz: Author Graeme Simsion and Shalini Kunahlan from Text Publishing
booksellersnz: Paul Greenberg and Joan Roulston, from Greene Phoenix Marketing Ltd
booksellersnz: Sarah Forster and Stella Chrystosomou
booksellersnz: Leonie Hodgson and Simie Simpson from Walker Books
booksellersnz: Awards MC, Matt Elliott
booksellersnz: Awards MC Matt Elliott
booksellersnz: The setting for the Awards
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booksellersnz: Everybody listening to Matt's talk.
booksellersnz: Tony Moores in forefront
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booksellersnz: Joel Becker from the Australian Booksellers' Association, Nevena Nikolic from Nielsen Book and Steve Bercu from BookPeople in Austin, TX
booksellersnz: Winner of the book knowledge yes/no game, Mary Wadsworth from the Dorothy Butler Children's Bookshop