booksellersnz: Super Finn by Leonie Agnew
booksellersnz: Rahui Chris Szekely and illustrated by Malcolm Ross
booksellersnz: Calling all Gods by Jack Lasenby
booksellersnz: The Cat's Pyjamas by Catherine Foreman
booksellersnz: Nice Day for a War Matt Elliott and illustrated by Chris Slane
booksellersnz: Chris Grosz, author of Kimble Bent: Malcontent
booksellersnz: Betty Brownlie, author of The Life Cycle of the Tuatara
booksellersnz: Tina Matthews, author of Waiting for Later
booksellersnz: Jane Higgins, author of The Bridge
booksellersnz: Johanna Knox (author, left) and Sabrina Malcolm (illustrator) of The Flytrap Snaps
booksellersnz: Barbara Else, author of The Travelling Restaurant
booksellersnz: Sabrina Malcolm, illustrator of The Flytrap Snaps
booksellersnz: Fleur Beale, author of Dirt Bomb
booksellersnz: Maria Gill, author of New Zealand Hall of Fame
booksellersnz: David Veart, author of Digging Up the Past
booksellersnz: Chris Szekely, author of Rahui
booksellersnz: James Norcliffe, author of The Loblolly Boy & the Sorcerer
booksellersnz: Jack Lasenby, author of Calling the Gods
booksellersnz: The finalist books
booksellersnz: Leonie Agnew, author of Super Finn
booksellersnz: Catherine Foreman, author of The Cat's Pyjamas
booksellersnz: Ant Sang, author of Shaolin Burning
booksellersnz: Maria Gill, author and Bruce Potter, illustrator of New Zealand Hall of Fame
booksellersnz: Joanna Orwin, author of Sacrifice
booksellersnz: Chris Slane and Matt Elliot, author and illustrator of Nice Day for a War
booksellersnz: Chris Slane and Matt Elliot, author and illustrator of Nice Day for a War
booksellersnz: Adele Broadbent, author of Just Jack
booksellersnz: Deborah Burnside, author of Yes
booksellersnz: Matt Elliott speaks after receiving his award:
booksellersnz: Matt Elliot, Brian Roche, Hon Hekia Parata, Education Minister and Chris Slane.