bookgrl: Week 1: 13 weeks
bookgrl: Week 2: sunset in the pines
bookgrl: Week 3: bubbly
bookgrl: Week 4: Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
bookgrl: Week 5: a little birdy
bookgrl: Week 6: spinny
bookgrl: Week 7: It's a girl!
bookgrl: Week 8: half-baked
bookgrl: Week 9: tipped, but not tipsy
bookgrl: Week 10: leeetle sweater
bookgrl: Week 11: 23 weeks and counting!
bookgrl: Week 12: silhouetted
bookgrl: Week 13: traditional
bookgrl: Week 14: winter wonderland
bookgrl: Week 15: oof
bookgrl: Week 16: finished sweater!
bookgrl: Week 17: reach for the stars!
bookgrl: Week 18: matchy matchy
bookgrl: Week 19: gleeful
bookgrl: Week 20: 32 weeks
bookgrl: Week 21: birthday girl
bookgrl: Week 22: baby blanket
bookgrl: Week 23: blaaaaaah
bookgrl: Week 24: the very pregnant wife
bookgrl: Week 25: Does this dress make my belly look big?
bookgrl: Week 26: halfway and almost done!
bookgrl: Week 29ish: car ride!
bookgrl: Week 30ish: It takes some practice...
bookgrl: Week 32: bang trim time?
bookgrl: Week 34: here comes the sun