bookgrl: for Mom
bookgrl: alone together
bookgrl: where the turtles play
bookgrl: flutterby, butterfly...
bookgrl: all alone...
bookgrl: yucca blossoms
bookgrl: Hello! I'm here!
bookgrl: purple coneflower
bookgrl: round and round
bookgrl: buzzz
bookgrl: grasses
bookgrl: pinkity pink
bookgrl: what, more?
bookgrl: flowers, again
bookgrl: phlox
bookgrl: sea of grass
bookgrl: red!
bookgrl: pink and puffy
bookgrl: Indian Blanket
bookgrl: spiky
bookgrl: do NOT sit here
bookgrl: coneflowers
bookgrl: small white flowers
bookgrl: starry
bookgrl: lights
bookgrl: water lily