boogiejames: Shan man
boogiejames: Tomo & cool colours
boogiejames: well HELLO there
boogiejames: red eyes again
boogiejames: hand movements...
boogiejames: J-rod and Timmy's head
boogiejames: yay for contrast settings
boogiejames: flag again
boogiejames: lovely face
boogiejames: more of the flag
boogiejames: the apron aka. the Finnish flag
boogiejames: leatherr
boogiejames: and even more
boogiejames: more acoustic
boogiejames: Jared acoustic
boogiejames: another solo
boogiejames: singin'
boogiejames: weird hand movements
boogiejames: red eyes
boogiejames: the hideous hair in all it's glory
boogiejames: SHANIMAL
boogiejames: the hat again
boogiejames: TIMMEEEEH!
boogiejames: the hat & Tim's back
boogiejames: Tomo soloing
boogiejames: confetti
boogiejames: THE END
boogiejames: aftershow signing
boogiejames: me & my babes