Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs mating on goosefoot
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
baby Harlequin bugs on goosefoot
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
baby Harlequin bugs on goosefoot
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
baby Harlequin bugs on goosefoot and wooden sleeper, the perfect environment for overwintering and breeding
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Teenage Harlequin bug on parsley flowers
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Goosefoot flower, loved by baby harlequin bugs
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Baby harlequin bug on goosefoot flower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Teenage Harlequin bug on lucerne seed case
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Teenage Harlequin bug on lucerne flower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Teenage Harlequin bugs on lucerne flower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Teenage Harlequin bugs with babies
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs were all over this salvia bush
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower stem
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower stem
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bug eggs and hatchlings
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs feasting on sunflower head
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs feasting on sunflower head
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs feasting on sunflower head
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Kitchen garden
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Kitchen garden
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs mating on sunflower head
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Ducky investigating the sunflowers
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bug on sunflower stem
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower stem, mainly teenagers!
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Harlequin bugs on sunflower stem
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Something wrong with this sunflower leaf?