Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andrew with the eggs from the chook tractor hens
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andy and the Solar oven he built!
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Family pic
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Family pic
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Family pic
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Family pic
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
fig tree
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
fig tree
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Charlie and Anne
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andy, Nev and Dash
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andy and the animals
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andy and the animals
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
the new vice
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
eggs from the chook tractor hens
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Tightening the bed
Tamara Griffiths Moonrise Permaculture:
Andrew cutting the corrugated iron