Kristin: Carly's book for Quinn
Kristin: It's a Small World
Kristin: Space Mountain = Ghost Galaxy
Kristin: California Adventure, all done up for Halloween
Kristin: Giant Lego giraffe
Kristin: Shading in darker
Kristin: Minnie and her adorable shoes
Kristin: Pretty sun
Kristin: It's a Small World
Kristin: Heading onto Splash Mountain
Kristin: Tower of Terror!
Kristin: Some ears and a chin
Kristin: Carnival area
Kristin: High School Musical
Kristin: My ride on the carousel
Kristin: Fruit Loops!
Kristin: Back to Thunder Mountain!
Kristin: Giant Lego giraffe
Kristin: Winnie the Pooh
Kristin: A nose
Kristin: And this guy was our host!
Kristin: Me, in front of It's a Small World
Kristin: Me and my work of art
Kristin: Can you tell what we're drawing?
Kristin: Bug's life!
Kristin: Goofy and Carly
Kristin: Carnival
Kristin: More construction
Kristin: Space Mountain!
Kristin: The wider and deeper channels