MrGuilt: Peace Tower
MrGuilt: Library of Parliament
MrGuilt: Ottawa River
MrGuilt: Caitlin and the Penny-Farthing
MrGuilt: Caitlin, Rebecca, and the Parliament Guard
MrGuilt: Canadian Parliament--Senate Chamber
MrGuilt: Parlaiment Bokah
MrGuilt: Caitlin and Rebecca by Parliament Entry
MrGuilt: Caitlin and the Moose-Mountie
MrGuilt: Door of England
MrGuilt: House of Commons, Speaker's Chair
MrGuilt: House of Commons, Opposition
MrGuilt: Guarding the Peace Tower
MrGuilt: Canadian Parliament--President of the Senate and Queen's Chairs
MrGuilt: Guns Ready
MrGuilt: Parading the Colors
MrGuilt: Field at the Changing of the Guard 2
MrGuilt: Marching Out
MrGuilt: Field at the Changing of the Guard
MrGuilt: Sheathing their Daggers
MrGuilt: Line for Parliament Hill Tickets