rebonnett: Butterflies on what else, . . . Butterfly Weed
rebonnett: snail, running out of high ground
rebonnett: Hold Her Hand
rebonnett: Dogbane Beetles
rebonnett: It's a pool orgy!
rebonnett: Rice Plantation
rebonnett: Walking Stick
rebonnett: Wing color display
rebonnett: the fungi battalion sweeps the ridge while out on patrol.
rebonnett: fungal fest
rebonnett: turkey tails
rebonnett: radar installation
rebonnett: 13 year Cicada. Story pic one of 6
rebonnett: Ovipositor completely inserted. Story pic 2 of 6.
rebonnett: Eggs laid, withdrawing ovipositor. Story pic 3 of 6.
rebonnett: A ravaged birch stem. Story pic 4 of 6.
rebonnett: Broken branches, read caption. Story pic 5 of 6.
rebonnett: Party is over. Story pic 6 of 6.
rebonnett: I call them Matchstick Men
rebonnett: Reaching for Heaven
rebonnett: On the Ho-Chi-Minh trail, 1969
rebonnett: circus ballons fungi
rebonnett: That's quite a load.
rebonnett: Purple Coral Mushroom