franbotor: D-ACNC landing
franbotor: EC-JBJ taxi RW12 LEVC
franbotor: Salamanca close view
franbotor: 737-800 AEA
franbotor: AZ IMP ready to takeoff
franbotor: Vista cercana AZ
franbotor: AZ close view
franbotor: Wings of Italy
franbotor: Alitalia wing view
franbotor: A 319 Alitalia take off
franbotor: HDJ taxi RW12 LEVC
franbotor: Dirty Vueling
franbotor: Competencia y arbitro
franbotor: RYR wing view
franbotor: Van y vienen
franbotor: YL close view
franbotor: Ala derecha RYR
franbotor: Waiting for small plane
franbotor: I-TAKA
franbotor: LJS ready to takeoff
franbotor: CRJ Nose view
franbotor: ANE LJS close view
franbotor: Tres pájaros de un "tiro"
franbotor: Blue One
franbotor: Blue Two
franbotor: Blue Three
franbotor: Blue Four
franbotor: Blue Five