flip phillips: Dad and Uncle Bill
flip phillips: This was my line to vote... 1 person.
flip phillips: TV in a hotel @ RPI
flip phillips: Use Caustion
flip phillips: RPI Electric Shop
flip phillips: And so it goes...
flip phillips: For Hassan
flip phillips: 9 hours of driving gets tedious
flip phillips: Portsmouth Greyhound Station
flip phillips: Sould Saving Station
flip phillips: Where there's smoke
flip phillips: Recent Acquisitions
flip phillips: Meat Town Meat Market
flip phillips: My home town...
flip phillips: I'm not sure I understand this
flip phillips: From below
flip phillips: She's in charge
flip phillips: From above
flip phillips: Sometimes, you get the feeling you're being followed
flip phillips: A quartet
flip phillips: The Girls
flip phillips: _FP11352.jpg
flip phillips: Century Last - Wood Heel Division
flip phillips: sad dog
flip phillips: Scaffolding of mental representations
flip phillips: Wanger Law
flip phillips: Pump house