Claudine: Shin Ramyun for breakfast
Claudine: Royal Scot Hotel Room
Claudine: West Coast Trail Express Bus
Claudine: Trail Bus Stopped at Tomi's
Claudine: Parks Canada Information Centre South
Claudine: Parks Canada Information Centre North
Claudine: Before our hike - still nice and clean
Claudine: Parks Canada Orientation Room
Claudine: Pachena Beach
Claudine: Pachena Beach
Claudine: Selfie on Pachena Beach
Claudine: Thimbleberries! Tasty when ripe.
Claudine: Parks Canada WCT Orientation and Slideshow
Claudine: Heading into the forest from the beach
Claudine: Filling up at Clonard Creek
Claudine: Look, chanterelles!
Claudine: Muddy Section - a taste of things to come
Claudine: Sea Lion Haul-Out Rock
Claudine: Sea Lion Haul-Out Rock
Claudine: At the Pachena Point Lighthouse complex
Claudine: Pachena Point Lighthouse